I RIDE. I bought my first bike in 1992.
I MISS IT because my bike has been Out Of Order for the past 2.5 riding seasons.
I haven't indulged in Adventuring -- the experience of Going Some Place HERETOFORE UNEXPLORED Alone -- in too long, and it's Time.
For 5 years, the time I spent with Master Carpenter, we never went anywhere! I couldn't get that man up off his Property.
But that's all finished. I'm buying a new bike. (My original bike is ancient) It's Time.
A Mother Goose Rhyme/synopsis of my past 5 years
"Peter, Peter
Pumpkin Eater
Had a Wife
But couldn't keep 'er
So he put her in a Pumpkin Shell
And There he kept her very well."
And then, she Woke Up and Said,
We're Going to Have An Adventure, AGAIN!
It Is Done, we're making plans.
By the way,
I never drink and ride. That's The Rule.
I bought my own bike after I was involved in two major bike accidents as a passenger; Both of which I walked away from, but in all probability shouldn't have.
I decided I prefer to be in control, and In 16 years I've never laid the bike down.
Are you a Bill & Bob Clone?
Recognizing “Groupthink”
Singer(cult expert) stresses that all cults are based firstly on a thought reform programme. Such programmes aim to dilute people’s individuality, change their core belief systems and alter their concept of themselves.
This is done by imposing a “totalistic ideology” which “explains everything” Such groups will say they are “THE WAY”, the “ONLY WAY” be it in religion, science, self-help, psychotherapy or politics.
Lifton (cult expert) points out that "included in this mystique is a sense of ‘higher purpose’, of ‘having directly perceived some imminent law of social development’, of being themselves the vanguard of this development" Consequently, all other groups are charlatans, shams, impostors, degenerate, etc.
Normally they have authoritarian leaders and lieutenants at all levels and/or they venerate the works of dead leaders to justify their totalistic ideology and actions. Not choosing the group’s Way will usually lead to humiliation, damnation or death.
To achieve this they such a phenomenon members undergo what has been called “brainwashing”, “mind control” in order to achieve “Groupthink”.
Track This
12 Step recovery programs are a slow slide into the jaws of Satan. I was involved with this evil “satanic cult” [AA] for over 30 years but was saved through the power of Jesus Christ.
He directed me to a therapist who was into “real” recovery, not the mind destroying, soul destroying, cult, which is AA. I have met two Steppers recently & I imagine they are completely devoid of any emotion or insight.
I feel pain because both these men are decent human beings but AA has destroyed their BRAIN STRUCTURE & they have no idea how to relate apart from expounding AA propaganda.
I imagine Hell to be a continuous flow of AA meetings without any light at the end of the tunnel because one never recovers'. I beg you, Jlordaa, to get out before it is too late.
How does one recover when one is handing one’s power over to AA. The 12 Steps were written out of Wilson’s head, he certainly didn’t get his guidance from the Bible. I imagine he was an agent of Satan & he & Smith’s “cult religion” has filled millions of Steppers with their anti - Christ propaganda.
Step Three of AA is "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him."
While many in the Oxford Group placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, there was much leeway given. Shoemaker, a leader of the Oxford Group, says, "The true meaning of faith is self-surrender to God."
He further explains: Surrender to whatever you know about Him, or believe must be the truth about Him. Surrender to Him, if necessary, in total ignorance of Him. Far more important that you touch Him than that you understand Him at first. Put yourself in His hands.
Whatever He is, as William James said, He is more ideal than we are. Make the leap. Give yourself to Him. Aside from capitalizing the "H," which Christians do to refer to the God of the Bible, "Him" could refer to any god of one’s own making [BEDPAN].
You know, the message the 12 Step Paradigm tells us that we are all just powerless over our addictions, meaningless specks of offal in an endless ocean of space and matter where hydrogen atoms and bacteria of unexplained origin can turn into god as you understand him!!
Oooo! It’s so exciting and uplifting to be regularly assured by Steppers in all their ineffable knowledge and function is just an accumulation of 1st Century Christianity Buchmanism & Nihilism.
Oooo! It’s heart-warming, I’ll tell ya. We owe these "messengers" so terribly much that it is difficult to put into words... We can talk to dead people & consult spiritists.
9 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God [Deuteronomy 18: 9-13].
Bill Wilson was a “detestable necromancer” who talked to dead people & consulted spiritists. He was “an angel of light” and if you want what he had, keep going to 12 Step meetings & end up as an emotionally shutdown, shape - shifting, demonic, raging, Bill Wilson zombie.
AA is a cancerous growth in our society. I'm a SINNER, who has been sober for over 22 years. I've seen this "cult" virtually destroy people where they become these Bill & Bob zombies devoid of any emotion.
I imagine most of the Steppers are not dealing with their core issues and become addicted to the "droning Bill & Bob heads" who pop up and expel meaningless diatribe from their mouths.
Alcoholism is the only "disease" one doesn't recover from & one is continually confessing ones non - existent sins, which intensify the guilt and fear when one is not at a meeting (indoctrination session).
AA meetings numb and shutdown the critical thinking section of ones brain. I know a guy who has been sober for over 30 years and I imagine him to be quite mad - he doesn't even know what he's feeling most of the time apart from feeling depressed.
I imagine AA to be the road to HELL and that it's anti - Christ. Steppers sell their souls to the "cult", because they are too terrified to face their “demons” & recover their true selves. That "inner child" who is waiting to be freed is slowly pushed down until it disappears into oblivion.
That "child" is God! "Unless you become like little children...." "The KINGDOM OF GOD is within you!" I hear things like; "I need to do the Steps!" "I need more meetings!" "I had cancer or my wife died or I lost my job!" "But! Guess what! I didn't pick up a drink".
They might as well say; "I fell of my chair but I didn’t pick up a drink”! "Meaningless”! Why? Because one is not expressing ones feelings! Ones process is all about feelings!
How does one recover if one doesn’t feel ones pain, fear, & shame & understand that these feelings, especially if they are overwhelming; are feelings, from ones childhood.
All AA does is suppress these feelings until one ends up a semi - depressed zombie like the lunatic who has been sober for over 30 years. Can you see how dangerous this "cult" is?
A madman, Bill Wilson, started it and if you want to end up like him, keep going to meetings. The sure way to insanity is "Meetings!" "Meetings!" "Meetings!"
Hello. Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline;
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call.
If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.
If you are anxious, just start pressing numbers at random.
If you are phobic, don't press anything.
If you are an alcoholic, please press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
If you are anal retentive, please hold.
Bill W. : The absorbing and deeply moving life story of Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous
1-8 of 8 pages with reference to Bill W’s Higher Power inside this book:
on Page 152:
“… BILL W. something more conservative to balance his holdings, he had hit … and, more perhaps than anything, gave him the sense of power he had always craved. Late in the summer he grew … they told him, everything was high, but it was going higher. American Tel and Tel was over 310, General Electric 403. It was a time to have confidence . It was …”
on Page 189:
“… BILL W. tried praying, and keeping an open mind about it … … using the word “God” again, Ebby began speaking of “another power,” a “higher power.” And as he did, Bill was no longer pretending to listen; his full attention had been won. It was …”
on Page 202:
“… BILL W. rightness. No matter how wrong things seemed to be, they … a part of God, himself a living part of the higher power, was a new and revolutionary feeling. And it was a feeling that he wanted to hang on to now, to …”
on Page 230:
“… BILL W. over, he would find himself startled into a smile. There … All he wanted was to feel himself part of the higher power he knew was running the universe. He was also convinced that alcoholism was a three-pronged illness , mental, physical and …”
on Page 240:
“… BILL W. more than a game they were playing, more than a … pragmatists. They might have been instruments, channels through which a higher power had started to work, but for them that afternoon, it was only a start. Forty was a startling figure, but …”
on Page 294:
“… BILL W. But the non-alcoholics remained skeptical. To the psychiatrically oriented, all … inner voice, but in talking with others he would say higher power, life force or any words the listener might be comfortable with. But by whatever name they cared to use, it …”
on Page 298:
“… BILL W. But as with the mysterious ingredient that he knew was … the verge of grasping a message or moving into some higher state of consciousness , he had never talked about it; … years he went on following, trying to understand, a mysterious power he sensed was there, a part of his concept of anonymity. Though he could not quite comprehend its meaning, he …”
on Page 324:
“… BILL W. what has been his fate. Our conversation which he has … when you walk on a path which leads you to higher understanding. You might be led to that goal by an … action from above and isolated in society, cannot resist the power of evil, which is called very aptly the Devil. But the use of such words arouses so many mistakes that …”
1-1 of 1 page with references to Jesus Christ inside this book:
1. on Page 193:
“… some-for the old, the hopeless, for those who had passed beyond loving, beyond any hope of really living, but, by Christ, he was different. It might be the last arrogant gasp of alcoholic pride but, miserable and terrified as he was, …”
@MICKEY: Dude, Get Help.
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