Sunday, January 22


I admire women who take the time and money to pamper themselves. Not the wealthy bored who have nothing better to do with their time or money, but those who let the world know that they care enough about themselves to look and feel their best. My former boss—a beautiful person inside and out—was such a woman.

Every 6 weeks or so she'd have a different hairstyle. Her toenails were always manicured in the summer months. Her clothing was immaculate. She was always gracious and poised, and never once in three years did she raise her voice, use profane language or lose her temper. She told me the story of an all-day trip to a health spa she enjoyed. At the time it struck me as somewhat indulgent but I've always wondered what that would be like.

The last time I saw her she had taken up belly-dancing, dropped 30 pounds and was positively glowing. I'm seriously thinking I should take up belly-dancing. My abs and my ass could use some serious work.

This morning I had 3 inches trimmed off my hair and then colored it with henna. Henna is fantastic for two reasons:
1) It smells like tea and,
2) the grey strands end up looking like natural highlights.

I have eaten a total of a single cup of green bean casserole the past 96 hours. That's 4 days. In my world, appetite loss is an indication of extreme emotional upset. On the bright side, it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose a single pound of fat, so by my calculations I'm down 1.5 pounds.


Blogger kc said...

ok, so i sort of found your site from the blogger scroll of "new posts" - and the title of your blog was of interest to me. here, i'll share a little for ya: i'm a recovering drug addict. crystal methamphetemine was my drug of choice, and while i do still use marijuana ---- marijuana is NOT the same as meth in it's addiction levels and life-ruining attributes.
my brother, who i live with, is a junkie. he's addicted to heroine. it's been like, 2 years of me watching and knowing that he was pissing himself away --- and it's been like, 4 months of being sober for me, and learning from watching my older brother what it is i exactly do not want to wind up becoming --- a junkie (and all the ugliness that is associated with that term).
addiction comes in different forms: some people are addicted to drugs (uppers, like me - downers, like my bro), some people are alcoholics, some people have eating disorders. whatever the thing is that we choose to abuse ourselves with, it's still that: self-abuse. the real problem still exists, and all the outside influences will do is temporarily provide you with a diversion from that problem. the thing is: the problem will continue to exist, and those outside diversions only will make things more complex as you go along in life. you gotta be upfront and be strong - for you.
ya know, it's really nice reading your blog, because it's similar to what i'm trying to create with mine: a space where you can openly discuss the problems you are experiencing, while still maintaining some sort of "anonymity."

8:09 PM  

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